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Designed for Farmers

Agronomist with Tablet
Farming Field
Plant Facility #1.jpeg

Plant Facility #1

The Agricultural Answer – Microbial / Plant & Soil Additive:

  • EarthGen 215 

  • Website:

  • Highly concentrated multi-component bio-stimulant of ecologically balanced mass probiotics, enzymes (co-enzymes, exo-enzymes, aerobic, anaerobic and autotrophic enzymes), multifactorial inducer molecules and vitamin precursors of plant and animal origin

  • Unique, natural, organic fertilizer and soil conditioner

  • Rejuvenates all the natural nutrients that are essential for healthy plants and healthy soil

  • Highly electric and provides immediate energy to microbial life in soil, manure and plants

  • Electrically charges and stimulates beneficial soil microbes to rapidly multiply and become more efficient in converting waste, compost, fertilizers and soil nutrients into valuable plant food

  • Greatly reduces fertilizer costs from 50% to 80% reduction.

  • Increases crop / pasture yields by 10% to 200% (yr1: 10-20%+ / yr2: 20-50%+ / yr3: 50-100%+)

  • Cleans up waste, creating compost and producing top soil – Creating Nature’s Perfectly Balanced Plant Food

  • Facilitates the rapid decomposition,  remediation and waste odors

  • Reduces water / irrigation need and helps during drought

  • All products Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed and certified according to the USDA National Organic Program regulations

  • All products certified by Kosher Services / Certificate of Kashruth / Kosher – Parve. Highest of standards of Kashruth 

  • International company with over 25 years in business with over 35 years of research and development

  • All Products Manufactured and Made in the U.S.A.

Cabbage Field

The Livestock Answer –  Animal Health / Remediation:

The Livestock Answer

  • Website:

  • Innovative product formulated (7 probiotic strands / 10 enzymes sources) to aid indigestion allowing for faster and more complete nutrient intake while supporting gut health

  • High value dry feed additive that can increase feed quality and delivers outstanding impact on your operating margins

  • All natural, organic ingredients

  • Reduces the amount of energy expended and allows the animal to use that energy for better general health, disease resistance and performance

  • Optimum health, increased immune system, enhanced production, improved performance and increased profitability 

  • Increases livestock’s ability to uptake from feed and absorb the full nutrition out of it

  • Increases yields in production livestock – faster grow out / increased production

  • Increases vitality and overall appearance of livestock

  • Up to 50% reduced waste clean up

  • Can reduce clean up time between 40% – 50%

  • Assists in reducing and removing intestinal parasites and worms

  • Reduces or even eliminates antibiotics

  • Reduces feed consumption ( up to 25% )

  • Reduces animal stress ( due to heat, cold, wetness )

  • Reduces illness and death loss

  • Reduces internal and external parasites

  • Reduces joint / bone pain, skin allergies, scours, respiratory problems and food intolerance

  • All products Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed and certified according to the USDA National Organic Program regulations

  • All products certified by Kosher Services / Certificate of Kashruth / Kosher – Parve. Highest of standards of Kashruth

  • International company with over 25 years in business with over 35 years of research and development

  • All Products Manufactured and Made in the U.S.A.

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